John Wilson's 501 Fishing Tips v.2
- Titel: John Wilson's 501 Fishing Tips v.2
- Reihe: John Wilson's 501 Fishing Tips v.2
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 1 online resource
- Erschienen: Cleveland : Dennis Publishing UK
- Schlagwörter: Hunting & Fishing
- Link(s): Ausleihe hier
- Anmerkungen: Requires OverDrive Read (file size: N/A KB).
Inhalt: The definitive reference for any self-respecting angler, this MagBook contains everything you need to know before setting out on a day's angling. Spanning 132-pages and ideally sized to take to the river, John covers all the main species of freshwater fish, ranging from Bream and Chub to Trout and Salmon and within each dedicated section looks at the best locations to cast-off, as well as the top bait and gear to use. All tips tried-and-tested by John himself!
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