The Android Book
- Titel: The Android Book
- Reihe: The Android Book
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 1 online resource
- Erschienen: Cleveland : Future Publishing Ltd
- Schlagwörter: Tech & Gaming
- Link(s): Ausleihe hier
- Anmerkungen: Requires OverDrive Read (file size: N/A KB).
Inhalt: The ultimate independent resource for Android users, The Android Book features comprehensive tutorials explaining how to get the most from all the main apps. It's ideal for Android users hoping to get more functionality from their phone or tablet. Featuring: Every Android question answered - Everything you need to know about using the world-famous OS Google Play - We take a closer look at each section of the Play Store, and show you where to find and download the best apps Camera - Follow our advice on how to get the most from your device's cameras Chromecast - Learn how to stream with Chromecast and cast a YouTube video on your TV
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