Making Movies
- Titel: Making Movies / Dire Straits
- Organisation(en): Dire Straits [Komposition]
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 1 CD (38:32 Min.) + 1 Booklet (12 ungezählte Seiten)
- Erschienen: London, UK : Universal Music Group ; Vertigo LC 01633, 1996
- EAN, ISMN/Preis: 0042280005023 : EUR 17.99
- Bestellnummer: 800 050-2
- Anmerkungen: Written by Mark Knopfler ; Produced by Jimmy Iovine and Mark Knopfler Enthält: Tunnel Of Love. Romeo And Juliet. Skateaway. Expresso Love. Hand In Hand. Solid Rock. Les Boys
- Signatur: MUSIK und TANZ > Rock / Pop / Jazz CDs
- muc R 2 DIRE Rock, Pop
Inhalt: Without second guitarist David Knopfler, Dire Straits began to move away from its roots rock origins into a jazzier variation of country-rock and singer/songwriter folk-rock. Naturally, this means that Mark Knopfler's ambitions as a songwriter are growing, as the storytelling pretensions of Making Movies indicate. Fortunately, his skills are increasing, as the lovely "Romeo and Juliet," "Tunnel of Love," and "Skateaway" indicate. And Making Movies is helped by a new wave-tinged pop production, which actually helps Knopfler's jazzy inclinations take hold. The record runs out of steam toward the end, closing with the borderline offensive "Les Boys," but the remainder of Making Movies ranks among the band's finest work. (Stephen Thomas Erlewine ;
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MUSIK und TANZ > Rock / Pop / Jazz CDs
muc R 2 DIRE Rock, Pop
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