Masterworks of American Avant-garde Experimental Film 1920-1970

- Titel: Masterworks of American Avant-garde Experimental Film 1920-1970 / Curated and annotated by Bruce Posner
- Person(en): Posner, Bruce
- Produktion: USA 1920-1970
- Sprache: Englisch. Englische Originalfassungen
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 2 Blu rays + 2 DVD-Video (418 min) + 1 Booklet
- Erschienen: Los Angeles : Flicker Alley, 2015
- EAN, ISMN/Preis: 0617311679490 : EUR 37.50
- FSK/USK: FSK: Keine Angabe/Lektorat: ab 16
- Anmerkungen: Disc 1. (207 min.): Manhatta / by Charles Sheeler, Paul Strand ; new music, Donald Sosin (1920-21) (11 min., 41 sec.) -- Ballet Mechanique / by Fernand Léger, Dudley Murphy (1923-24) (15 min., 53 sec.) -- Anémic cinéma / by Rrose Sélavy a.k.a. Marcel Duchamp ; new music, Gustavo Matamoros (1924-25, released 1926) (6 min., 40 sec.) -- The life and death of 9413: a Holywood extra / by Robert Florey, Slavko Vorkapich ; new music, Donald Sosin (1927) (13 min., 20 sec.) -- Skyscraper symphony / by Robert Florey ; new music, Donald Sosin (1929) (8 min., 53 sec.) -- Mechanical principles / by Ralph Steiner ; new music, Eric Beheim, arranged from Tango in D / by Issac Albéniz (1930) (10 min, 18 sec.) -- A Bronx morning / by Jay Leyda ; new music, Donald Sosin (1931) (14 min., 5 sec.) -- Lot in Sodom / by J.S. Watson Jr., Melville Webber, Alec Wilder, Remsen Wood, Bernard O'Brien ; music, Louis Siegel (1930-32, released 1933) (25 min., 53 sec.) -- Poem 8 / by Emlen Etting ; new music, Rodney Sauer (1932-33) (19 min., 40 sec.) -- An optical poem / Oskar Fischinger ; music, Hungarian rhapsody, no. 2 / by Franz Liszt (1937, MGM release 1938) (7 min., 2 sec.) -- Thimble theater / by Joseph Cornell ; completed by Lawrence Jordan (circa 1938, unfinished until 1968) (6 min., 7 sec.) -- Tarantella / by Mary Ellen Bute, Ted Nemeth ; music, Edwin Gerschefski (1940) (4 min., 24 sec.) -- The pursuit of happiness / by Rudy Burckhardt (1940) (8 min., 9 sec.) -- 1941 / by Francis Lee ; music, Igor Stravinsky (1941) (4 min.) -- Meshes of the Afternoon / by Maya Deren, A. Hackenschmied (1943) (13 min., 46 sec.) -- Meditation on violence / by Maya Deren (1948) (12 min., 27 sec.) -- In the street / by Helen Levitt, Janice Loeb, James Agee ; music, Arthur Kleiner (filmed 1945-46, released 1948, 1952) (16 min., 50 sec.). Disc 2. (211 min.): Four in the afternoon / by James Broughton ; music, William O. Smith, with Anna Halprin, Welland Lathrop (1950-51) (14 min.) -- Abstronic / by Mary Ellen Bute, Ted Nemeth ; music, Aaron Copland, Don Gillis (1952) (5 min., 45 sec.) -- Eaux d'artifice / by Kenneth Anger ; music Four seasons / by Antonio Vivaldi (1953) (12 min., 57 sec.) -- Bells of Atlantis / by Ian Hugo ; abstract color effects, Len Lye ; music, Louis and Bebe Barron ; with Anaïs Nin reading from House of incest (1952-53) (9 min., 27 sec.) -- Evolution / by Jim Davis (1954) (8 min., 1 sec.) -- Gyromorphosis / by Hy Hirsh ; music, Django / by John Lewis, played by the Modern Jazz Quartet (1954) (6 min., 40 sec.) -- Hurry, Hurry! / by Marie Menken (1957) (4 min., 27 sec.) -- N.Y., N.Y. / by Francis Thompson ; music, Gene Forrell (filmed 1949-57, released 1958) (15 min., 10 sec.) -- 9 variations on a dance theme / by Hilary Harris ; music, McNeil Robinson ; dancer, Bettie de Jong (1966-67) (12 min., 39 sec.) -- Castro Street (the coming of consciousness) / by Bruce Baillie (1966) (9 min., 59 sec.) -- Film that rises to the surface of clarified butter / by Owen Land, formerly George Landow (1968) (8 min., 26 sec.) -- Excerpt from Walden: diaries, notes and sketches / by Jonas Mekas (1969) (13 min., 5 sec.) -- Our lady of the sphere / by Lawrence Jordan (1969) (9 min., 14 sec.) -- Love it-Leave it / by Tom Palazzolo ; music, Ray Whilding White (1970) (14 min., 7 sec.) -- DL2 (disintegration line #2) / by Lawrence Janiak ; music, Peliatan Gamelan (1970) (11 min., 46 sec.) -- Transport / by Amy Greenfield (1970) (8 min., 26 sec.) -- Sappho and Jerry. Parts 1-3 / Bruce Posner (1977-78) (5 min., 35 sec.) -- Ch'an / by Francis Lee ; music, Christopher Atwood (1983) (6 min., 8 sec.) -- Seasons ... / by Phil Solomon, Stan Brakhage (2002) (16 min.)
- Experimentalfilm MAST
Inhalt: A collection of 37 restored avant-garde films from some of the most acclaimed names of American avant-garde filmmaking.
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Experimentalfilm MAST
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