Carriage Driving
- Titel: Carriage Driving
- Reihe: Carriage Driving
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 1 online resource
- Erschienen: Cleveland : Mark Allen Business & Leisure
- Schlagwörter: Travel & Outdoor ; Sports
- Link(s): Ausleihe hier
- Anmerkungen: Erscheinungsweise: Every other month . Requires OverDrive Read (file size: N/A KB).
Inhalt: Carriage Driving is dedicated entirely to sport and recreation with the harness horse. Trusted, respected and loved throughout the whole of the international driving community, Carriage Driving puts quality content at the core of its editorial intent and remains the only essential publication for the driving enthusiast.
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