How to disappear

- Titel: How to disappear : notes on invisibility in a time of transparency / Akiko Busch
- Person(en): Busch, Akiko [Verfasser*in]
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 207 pages
- Erschienen: New York : Penguin Books, 2020
- ISBN/Preis: 978-1-101-98042-2 Broschur : EUR 18.00
- Schlagwörter: Digitalisierung ; Transparenz ; Privatheit ; Unsichtbarkeit
- Link(s): Inhaltsverzeichnis
- Anmerkungen: Includes bibliographical references
- Signatur: RAT und TAT > Religion und Philosophie
- Lb 0 BUSC•/21 Englisch Lb 0
Inhalt: "Vivid, surprising, and utterly timely, Akiko Busch's How to disappear explores the idea of invisibility in nature, art, and science, in search of a more joyful and peaceful way of living in today's increasingly surveilled and publicity-obsessed world In our increasingly networked and image-saturated lives, the notion of disappearing has never been both more enchanting and yet fanciful. Today, we are relentlessly encouraged, even conditioned, to reveal, share, and self-promote. The pressure to be public comes not just from our peers, but vast and pervasive technology companies, which want to profit from patterns in our behavior. A lifelong student and observer of the natural world, Busch sets out to explore her own uneasiness with this arrangement, and what she senses is a widespread desire for a less scrutinized way of life--for invisibility. Writing in rich painterly detail about her own life, her family, and some of the world's most exotic and remote places--from the Cayman Islands to Iceland--she savors the pleasures of being unseen. Discovering and dramatizing a wonderful range of ways of disappearing, from virtual reality goggles that trick the wearer into believing her body has disappeared and to the way Virginia Woolf's fictional Mrs. Dalloway feels a flickering of personhood as an older woman, Busch deliberates on subjects new and old with equal sensitivity and incisiveness. A unique and exhilarating accomplishment, How to disappear is a shimmering collage of poetry, cinema, memoir, myth, and much more, which overturns the dangerous modern assumption that somehow fame and visibility equate to success and happiness"-- The invisible friend -- Orlando's ring -- Across the natural world -- Invisiphilia -- Invisible ink -- At the identity spa -- The anonymity proposal -- Rereading Mrs. Dalloway -- The vanishing self -- The geography of invisibility -- With wonder
Zentralbibliothek 0/1
RAT und TAT > Religion und Philosophie
Lb 0 BUSC•/21 Englisch Lb 0
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