Lord of the Flies
- Titel: Lord of the Flies / William Golding. Narrator: William Golding
- Person(en): Golding, William ; Golding, William
- Ausgabe: Unabridged
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 1 online resource (6 audio files) : digital 06:35:01
- Erschienen: New York : Listening Library Audio, 2002
- ISBN/Preis: 9780739330296 (sound recording)
- Schlagwörter: Young Adult Fiction ; Classic Literature ; Young Adult Literature ; Electronic books
- Link(s): Ausleihe hier Excerpt
- Zielgruppe: Text Difficulty 3 - Text Difficulty 4 ; UG/Upper grades (9th-12) ; 770 ; 5
- Anmerkungen: Unabridged Requires OverDrive Listen (file size: N/A KB) or OverDrive app (file size: 185185 KB).
Inhalt: William Golding's classic novel of primitive savagery and survival is one of the most vividly realized and riveting works in modern fiction. The tale begins after a plane wreck deposits a group of English school boys, aged six to twelve on an isolated tropical island. Their struggle to survive and impose order quickly evolves from a battle against nature into a battle against their own primitive instincts. Golding's portrayal of the collapse of social order into chaos draws the fine line between innocence and savagery.
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