Prince and The Revolution Live
- Titel: Prince and The Revolution Live / Prince and The Revolution
- Person(en): Prince <Musiker> [Ausführung, Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Prince and The Revolution [Ausführung]
- Produktion: The concert was originally recorded and broadcast live around the world on March 30th, 1985 from The Carrier Dome in Syracuse, New York
- Ausgabe: Remixed and Remastered Edition
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 2 CDs (62:01 ; 54:15 Min.) ; 1 Blu-ray Disc ( Min.) : Bild: :1. Ton: Dolby True HD + 1Booklet (24 ungezählte Seiten)
- Erschienen: Saint Paul, MN, US New York, NY, US : The Prince Estate/NPG Records, Inc. Legacy LC 00316, 2022
- EAN, ISMN/Preis: 0194399571620 : EUR 36.90
- Bestellnummer: 19439957162
- FSK/USK: FSK ab 0
- Schlagwörter: Singer, Songwriter ; Funk Rock ; Minneapolis Sound
- Anmerkungen: Enthält: CD 1: Let's Go Crazy (Composed by Prince and The Revolution). Delirious (Composed by Prince). 1999 (Composed by Prince). Little Red Corvette (Composed by Prince). Take Me With U (Composed by Prince and The Revolution). Yankee Doodle (Traditional). Do Me, Baby (Composed by Prince). Irresistible Bitch (Composed by Prince). Possessed (Composed by Prince). How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore (Composed by Prince). Let's Pretend We're Married (Composed by Prince). International Lover (Composed by Prince). God (Composed by Prince and The Revolution). Computer Blue (Composed by Prince, John L. Nelson, Wendy Melvoin, Lisa Coleman and Matt Fink). CD 2: Darling Nikki (Composed by Prince). The Beautiful Ones (Composed by Prince). When Doves Cry (Composed by Prince). I Would Die 4 U (Composed by Prince and The Revolution). Baby, I'm A Star (Composed by Prince and The Revolution). Purple Rain (Composed by Prince and The Revolution). BD: Let's Go Crazy. Delirious. 1999. Little Red Corvette. Take Me With U. Yankee Doodle. Do Me, Baby. Irresistible Bitch. Possessed. How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore. Let's Pretend We're Married. International Lover. God. Computer Blue. Darling Nikki. The Beautiful Ones. When Doves Cry. I Would Die 4 U. Baby, I'm A Star. Purple Rain
- Signatur: MUSIK und TANZ > Rock / Pop / Jazz CDs
- muc R 2 PRIN Rock, Pop
Inhalt: James Brown hatte das Apollo. Jimi Hendrix hatte das Monterey Pop. Und Prince hatte den Carrier Dome in Syracuse, New York - den Auftritt der Purple Rain Tour, der per Satellit live an Millionen von Menschen übertragen und in dem für den Grammy Award nominierten Konzertfilm Prince and The Revolution live für die Nachwelt festgehalten wurde. »Live« ist seitdem als eine der kultigsten Live-Aufnahmen der Pop- und Rockgeschichte in die Geschichte eingegangen. Zum ersten Mal wurde dieser kraftvolle Auftritt von Prince und The Revolution von den originalen 2"-Multitrack-Master-Rollen komplett neu abgemischt.
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