Vivere lo Yoga
- Titel: Vivere lo Yoga
- Reihe: Vivere lo Yoga
- Sprache: Italienisch
- Originalsprache: Italienisch
- Umfang: 1 online resource
- Erschienen: Cleveland : Sprea S.p.A.
- Schlagwörter: Health & Fitness
- Link(s): Ausleihe hier
- Anmerkungen: Erscheinungsweise: Every other month . Requires the Libby app or a modern web browser.
Inhalt: Vivere lo Yoga is the bimonthly dedicated to Yoga and all holistic activities aimed at personal well-being. Free-body postures and sequences, aimed at specific topics (back pain, self-esteem, etc.), constitute the basic structure to offer the reader a panorama of possibilities and suggestions to be adopted in everyday life. There is no lack of meditation and breathing techniques that guarantee a valid contribution to the most widespread problems of our time (anxiety and stress) and guide the individual towards improvement (achieving a goal, overcoming fears, etc.). It also addresses all new trends and styles that find space, in each issue, through a series of themed articles. There are reports of appointments, seminars and meetings that take place every month both in our country and abroad.
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