Secret Tokyo


Mustière, Pierre

  • Titel: Secret Tokyo / Pierre Mustière and Yoko Kera ; English translation: Caroline Lawrence and Olivia Fuller
  • Reihe: Travel guides
  • Originaltitel: Tokyo insolite et secrète
  • Person(en): Mustière, Pierre [Verfasser*in] ; Kera, Yoko [Verfasser*in]
  • Ausgabe: Edition: 02
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Originalsprache: Französisch
  • Umfang: 331 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 19 cm
  • Erschienen: Versailles : Jonglez Publishing, 2023
  • ISBN/Preis: 978-2-36195-418-5 Broschur : EUR 18.95 (DE), EUR 18.95 (AT), CHF 25.50 (freier Preis)
  • Schlagwörter: Führer
  • Signatur: RAT und TAT > Reisen und Länder
  • Bfm 1 TOKI MUST•/21 Englisch Bfm 1

Inhalt: A building that acts as a giant firewall,a secret city centre canyon,a statue that cures warts, ultra-modern designer toilets, an extraordinary tree that helps you quit smoking, an electronic sunflower, a spectacular modern temple hidden in the heart of Shinjuku, a street that gives Tokyo taxi drivers nightmares, a massive building that looks like a warship, forgotten rivers …. Far from the crowds and the usual clichés, Tokyo swings between modernity and tradition, preservation of its heritage, sophisticated aestheticism and eccentricity, offering countless off beat experiences. The Japanese capital is home to any number of well-hidden treasures that are revealed only to residents and travellers who find their way off the beaten track. An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew Tokyo well or would like to discover the other face of the city.