Nic Blake and the Remarkables


Thomas, Angie

  • Titel: Nic Blake and the Remarkables : the manifestor prophecy / Angie Thomas
  • Person(en): Thomas, Angie [Verfasser*in]
  • Ausgabe: First edition
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Originalsprache: Englisch
  • Umfang: 351 Seiten : Illustrationen
  • Erschienen: New York : Balzer + Bray, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2023
  • ISBN/Preis: 978-0-06-322513-8 Festeinband : EUR 20.50
  • Signatur: Kinder > Sprachen
  • Englisch Erzählung THOM 1

Inhalt: It's not easy being Remarkable in a world where standing out is dangerous... Nic Blake is a Manifestor. All she wants is to learn the Gift, so she can be as powerful as her dad ... until she discovers a shocking secret. Now she must find a powerful magical weapon, or risk losing him for ever. Book 1 of Nic Blake and the Remarkables