The 500 Hidden Secrets of Tokyo
- Titel: The 500 Hidden Secrets of Tokyo / Editing and Composing: Yukiko Tajima ; Photography: Koji Ishikawa
- Reihe: The 500 Hidden Secrets of …
- Person(en): Tajima, Yukiko [Verfasser*in] ; Ishikawa, Koji [Fotograf*in]
- Organisation(en): Luster publishing [Verlag]
- Ausgabe: 3rd edition, 3rd reprint
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 264 Seiten : Illustrationen, Karten ; 18 cm
- Erschienen: Antwerpen : Luster publishing, 2023
- ISBN/Preis: 978-94-6058-349-0 Broschur : EUR 21.50
- Schlagwörter: Tokio ; Führer
- Signatur: RAT und TAT > Reisen und Länder
- Bfm 1 TOKI TAJI•/21 Englisch Bfm 1
Inhalt: What are the 5 most unusual museums? Where to find the 5 most attractive hot springs? Which 5 things you should not do in Japan? What are the 5 toilets worth checking out? The 500 Hidden Secrets of Tokyo reveals these good-to-know addresses along with hundreds of other secret places and facts. It is an affectionate guide to the city, written by Tokyo-based Yukiko Tajima. She has selected places and details that few people know, like a hidden sake breweries, things you should know before getting on a train or the most interesting animal cafes. A perfect guide for tourists who want to avoid the well-known spots and for residents who want to get to know their city even better. 500 addresses and facts in total, presented in original lists of 5. Maps & index included.
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RAT und TAT > Reisen und Länder
Bfm 1 TOKI TAJI•/21 Englisch Bfm 1
RAT und TAT > Reisen und Länder
Bfm 1 TOKI TAJI•/21 Englisch Bfm 1
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