- Titel: Futurebook(s) : sharing ideas on books and (art) publishing = Toekomstboek(en) over (kunst)publicaties en uitgeven / Pia Pol & Astrid Vorstermans (red./eds.)
- Person(en): Pol, Pia [Herausgeber*in] ; Vorstermans, Astrid [Herausgeber*in]
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 495 Seiten : Illustrationen
- Erschienen: Amsterdam : Valiz, 2023, ©2023
- ISBN/Preis: 978-94-93246-27-0 Broschur : EUR 30.50
- Signatur: UNTERHALTUNG und KREATIVITÄT > Theater und Publizistik
- Pb 0 FUTU•/21 Englisch Pb 0
Inhalt: What is the future of the book? And, specifically, what is the future of books on art, design and architecture, and cultural-critical publications? We asked a large number of international interested individuals to respond to this question. Journalists, artists, architects, curators, translators, designers, philosophers, sociologists, teachers, book scholars, publishers, printing houses, distributors, booksellers, historians and art-historians, critics, policymakers, editors, students, and many others have enthusiastically shared their views with us, looking ahead five, twenty or seventy-two years (to the year 2100). At times utopian, wildly fantasizing, at other times with realistic scenarios, in both text and images, exciting for anyone who loves books and/or is involved in books and cultural content. Each section of this publication will be designed by various young designers, to celebrate its scope and diversity.00Themes: Attention, Collaboration, Colour, Conflict, Craft, Creativity, Diversity, Ecology, Generations, History, Humour, Innovation, Interpretation, Oxygen, Politics, Society, Stewardship, Sustainability, Soft Power, Technique, Tempo, Translation, Zest
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