The Grift

- Titel: The Grift : The Downward Spiral of Black Republicans from the Party of Lincoln to the Cult of Trump / Clay Cane
- Person(en): Cane, Clay [Verfasser*in]
- Organisation(en): Sourcebooks [Verlag] ; One Street Books [Mitwirkende]
- Ausgabe: 1st printing
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 395 Seiten ; 24cm
- Erschienen: Naperville : Sourcebooks, 2024
- ISBN/Preis: 978-1-72829-022-5 Festeinband : EUR 27.50
- Schlagwörter: Republican Party <USA> ; Schwarze ; BIPoC ; Person of Color
- Signatur: LERNEN und ARBEITEN > Geografie und Geschichte
- Dkk 1 CANE•/21 Englisch Dkk 1
Inhalt: Once upon a time, Black Republicans were revolutionaries. Today, many see them as traitors, selling their souls for power. In 2021, Black conservatives are the greatest grift. Journalist and radio host Clay Cane examines how the Republican party evolved into a safe space for racists and how Black Republicans attempt to gain power by aligning themselves with white supremacy. Black Republicans consistently make viral news, whether it's Senator Tim Scott, 2016 presidential candidate Ben Carson, or radical conservative commentator Candace Owens, who proudly upholds white supremacy to gain power. Why are they so popular? Where did they come from? And how did Black Republicans mutate from freedom fighters like Frederick Douglas to Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron? "Skin folk who ain't kinfolk," as Zora Neale Hurston famously said, have always been dangerous to the progress of Black communities. They are grifters, invested in disenfranchising their own for proximity to power. Cane reveals this divergence in fascinating historical detail.
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LERNEN und ARBEITEN > Geografie und Geschichte
Dkk 1 CANE•/21 Englisch Dkk 1
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