Pocket Rough Guide Weekender Belfast
- Titel: Pocket Rough Guide Weekender Belfast
- Reihe: Pocket Rough Guides
- Person(en): Conneely, Mary [Verfasser*in] ; Hill, Ian [Verfasser*in] ; Linder, Seth [Verfasser*in] ; Bell, Brian [Verfasser*in]
- Organisation(en): Rough Guides [Verlag]
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 128 Seiten : Illustrationen, Karten ; 19 cm
- Erschienen: London : SRough Guides, 2024
- ISBN/Preis: 978-183-905-838-7 Broschur : EUR 16.50
- Schlagwörter: Belfast ; Führer
- Signatur: RAT und TAT > Reisen und Länder
- Bel 1 BELF CONN•/21 Englisch Bel 1
Inhalt: This compact, pocket-sized Belfast travel guidebook is ideal for travellers on weekend trips or shorter breaks in the UK. It includes ready-made walking and driving itineraries that allow you to organise your visit to Belfast without losing time planning. The Belfast guide book covers: Cathedral Quarter, Linen Quarter, Queen's Quarter, Titanic Quarter, Market Quarter, Gaeltacht Quarter, Ormeau, East Belfast. Inside this Belfast travel book you will find: 8 ready-made walks and tours; easy-to-follow walking and driving tour itineraries featuring the best places to visit, as well as what to do and where to eat along the way; walks and tour highlights; short lists highlight the best of each walk or tour. Things not to miss in Belfast: Titanic Belfast museum, Lyric Theatre, Climb Cave Hill, Street art, Bar-hopping in Cathedral Quarter, Ulster Museum, Botanical Gardens, St George's Market, Fish supper, Crumlin Road Gaol, Political mural tour, Live music. Fully updated post-COVID-19.
Zentralbibliothek 0/1
RAT und TAT > Reisen und Länder
Bel 1 BELF CONN•/21 Englisch Bel 1
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