Dieses kleine Buch ist für dich


Vissirini, Barbara Avila

  • Titel: Dieses kleine Buch ist für dich : a visual guide to learn and understand German / Barbara Avila Vissirini
  • Person(en): Vissirini, Barbara Avila [Verfasser*in]
  • Ausgabe: 1. edition in English
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Originalsprache: Deutsch
  • Umfang: 224 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 21 cm, 440 g
  • Erschienen: Potsdam : Grammatikon, July 2024
  • ISBN/Preis: 978-3-9824523-2-6 Broschur : EUR 29.00 (DE), EUR 29.90 (AT)
  • Schlagwörter: Deutsch ; Fremdsprache ; Grammatik ; Morphologie <Linguistik> ; Visualisierung ; Einführung
  • Signatur: LERNEN und ARBEITEN > Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften
  • Obm 2.2 ENGL AVIL

Inhalt: Grammar made visible. It is very difficult to become fluent in a language without understanding its grammar. One of the big challenges when learning German is making sense of its many grammar terms such as nominative, separable verbs, two-way prepositions, weak declension, and more. In order to make these topics more approachable and easier to digest, dieses kleine Buch uses a novel visual support system that makes grammatical features visible within the text. Developed specifically for those learning German as a second or foreign language, this system provides learners with many visual tools to better understand and learn its grammar.