111 Places in the Scottish Highlands that You Shouldn't Miss


Taylor, David

  • Titel: 111 Places in the Scottish Highlands that You Shouldn't Miss / David Taylor
  • Reihe: 111 …
  • Person(en): Taylor, David [Verfasser*in, Fotograf*in]
  • Organisation(en): Emons Verlag [Verlag]
  • Ausgabe: 1st edition
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Originalsprache: Englisch
  • Umfang: 230 Seiten : Illustrationen, 1 Karte ; 21 cm
  • Erschienen: Köln : emons, 2024
  • ISBN/Preis: 978-3-7408-2064-0 Broschur : EUR 18.00
  • Schlagwörter: Schottland ; Highlands ; Führer
  • Signatur: RAT und TAT > Reisen und Länder
  • Bel 1 SCHO TAYL•/21 Englisch Bel 1
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Inhalt: The Scottish Highlands are at the most northerly extreme of mainland Britain. With this book as your guide, learn the rules of Shinty, a unique and popular Highland sport; sit in the shade of Europe's oldest living tree; take a turn around the Devil's Elbow, if you dare; find yourself at the very centre of Scotland; visit a fairy village; and shake it all about at the Earthquake House. Written by someone who loves the Scottish Highlands whatever the weather, this book will help you explore this wonderfully beautiful region.