The heat and the fury
- Titel: The heat and the fury : on the frontlines of climate violence / Peter Schwartzstein
- Person(en): Schwartzstein, Peter [Verfasser*in]
- Organisation(en): Footnote Press Limited [Verlag]
- Ausgabe: First printing
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: XI, 315 Seiten ; 24 cm
- Erschienen: London : Footnote, 2024
- ISBN/Preis: 978-1-804-44157-2 Festeinband : EUR 28.50
- Signatur: LERNEN und ARBEITEN > IT und Technik
- Wal 4 SCHW•/21 Englisch Wal 4
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Inhalt: In this ground-breaking book, environmental journalist, Peter Schwartzstein, takes the reader on the first on-the-ground exploration of climate change's contribution to global conflict. From the ravaged villages of Iraq, where ISIS has used drought as a recruiting tool and weapon of terror, to the pirate-ridden waters of Bangladesh - and drawing on more than a decade of reporting from dozens of countries - Schwartzstein writes about the unexpected ways in which climate change is feeding global unrest and conflict. Through the stories of the soldiers, farmers, spies and others affected around the world, he makes sense of a form of conflict that remains poorly understood, even as it devastates the lives of so many millions of people. While researching this book, Schwartzstein was chased by kidnappers, detained by police and told, in no uncertain terms, that he was no longer welcome in certain countries. Yet, as he recounts, these personal brushes with violence are simply a hint of the conflict simmering in our warming world. As Schwartztein's unparalleled reporting shows, there's nothing inevitable about climate violence. In fact, as he sets out, the same stresses that are pitching people against one another can even help bring them back together.
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Wal 4 SCHW•/21 Englisch Wal 4
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