The atlas of microstates


Nikolić, Zoran

  • Titel: The atlas of microstates / Collins Books, Zoran Nikolić
  • Person(en): Nikolić, Zoran [Verfasser*in]
  • Organisation(en): HarperCollins Publishers [Verlag]
  • Ausgabe: 1st edition
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Originalsprache: Englisch
  • Umfang: 240 Seiten : Illustrationen, Karten ; 21 cm
  • Erschienen: Glasgow : Collins, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2024
  • ISBN/Preis: 978-0-00-870349-3 Broschur : EUR 22.50
  • Schlagwörter: Zwergstaat ; Atlas
  • Signatur: LERNEN und ARBEITEN > Geografie und Geschichte
  • Ba 1 NIKO•/21 Englisch Ba 1
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Inhalt: Defined as sovereign states with a very small population, land area, or both, microstates serve as fascinating case studies of geopolitical significance. This atlas explores the unique history, politics, and self-determination of the world's smallest states. Under what conditions do microstates form in the first place? Is there a correlation between the size of a political unit and its relative sovereignty? What contributes to the success of ministates, or, in certain cases, their failure? From modern day city-states, island countries as well as sparsely populated territories, to historical anomalies, tax havens, aspirant states and micronations, this atlas considers a wide range of countries largely defined by their relative smallness. A beautifully-designed collection ideal for those with an interest in geopolitics and cartographic curiosities, some of the microstates explored in this book include: Liechtenstein one of the smallest countries in the world today — and also one of the wealthiest — with a territory that covers approximately 25km from north to south, the only country located entirely in the Alps. Cocos (Keeling) Islands consisting of two coral atolls with a total area of 14m2, where fewer than 600 people live and the majority of the population is Muslim. Couto Misto a de-facto semi-independent state which many believe had special sovereign rights granted to it by a 12th century princess, later disputed by Spain and Portugal and eventually partitioned in 1864. These along with many more examples are captured in this engaging atlas full of geographical intrigue.