Design thinking and innovation metrics
- Titel: Design thinking and innovation metrics : powerful tools to manage creativity, OKRs, product, and business success / Michael Lewrick ; illustrations, Rukaiya Karim
- Person(en): Lewrick, Michael [Verfasser*in] ; Karim, Rukaiya [Illustration]
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 393 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
- Erschienen: Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2023, ©2023
- ISBN/Preis: 978-1-119-98365-1 Paperback : EUR 38.00
- Schlagwörter: Design Thinking
- Link(s): Inhaltsverzeichnis
- Anmerkungen: Includes bibliographical references and index Preface -- Motivation for this Book -- The Roots of Design Thinking -- The History of Innovation Metrics -- Introduction to the Topic -- Answering the Why, How and What? -- A Quick Read to Get Inspired -- The 101s: Essentials of Design Thinking & Measuring -- Design Thinking -- The Design Thinking Paradigm -- Facilitating Workshops -- Working in Teams -- Building Capabilities -- Measuring Impact -- Design Thinking Toolkit -- Measuring -- From Observations to Real Metrics -- Defining and Applying Metrics -- Defining the North Star Metric(s) -- Working with Exploration Metrics -- Selecting Exploitation Metrics -- Measuring Creativity -- Reflecting Measurements -- Measuring Toolkit -- The Future of Design Thinking & Data-Driven Innovation -- Creating Impact with Advanced Tools -- Performance Measurements -- OKRs and Beyond -- The Roots of Measuring Objectives -- Three Mindshift s Applying OKRs -- Tips and Tricks for Implementing OKRs -- Facilitating Performance Objectives -- OKR Toolkit -- Data-Driven Innovation -- Design Thinking & Data Analytics -- Applying the Hybrid Model -- Design Thinking & Artificial Intelligence -- Gaining Efficiency in Customer Interactions -- Design Thinking & Neuroscience -- Transferring Brain Patterns.
- Signatur: LERNEN und ARBEITEN > Wirtschaft und Recht
- Gdl 0 LEWR•/21 Englisch Gdl 0
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Inhalt: "Measuring innovation is a crucial step toward managing it successfully, and it's one of the biggest challenges for start-ups, small businesses, and large enterprises. To create a successful innovation pipeline business leaders, product owners, and innovators, leaders must go beyond the traditional accounting methods to create, manage, and measure the impact of their innovations. Design Thinking and Innovation Metrics explains in simple terms how to define and measure innovation, creativity, and business success, so innovation can be managed and can become a driver of exponential business growth"--
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Gdl 0 LEWR•/21 Englisch Gdl 0
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