Bodyweight workouts for beginners
- Titel: Bodyweight workouts for beginners / Sean Bartram
- Person(en): Bartram, Sean [Verfasser*in]
- Organisation(en): Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc. [Verlag]
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 207 Seiten : Illustrationen, Tabellen ; 24 cm
- Erschienen: New York : DK, 2024
- ISBN/Preis: 978-0-7440-9249-3 Broschur : EUR 26.00
- Signatur: RAT und TAT > Fit und Gesund
- Yak 0 BART•/21 Englisch Yak 0
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Inhalt: Build strength and stability with exercises you can do anywhere!You dont need an expensive gym membership or fancy equipment to reach your fitness goals. In "Bodyweight Workouts for Beginners", trainer Sean Bartram shows you how simple and effective it can be to focus your workouts on bodyweight and agility exercises.Increase your strenth, improve mobility, burn fat, and define your muscles with excercises that target every part of your body. Includes: 60 foundational exercises with clear, step-by-step photos and modifications. 30 fun and flexible workout routines that range in length, focus, and difficulty to fit your needs. 3 four-week programs to build accountability and make bodyweight workouts a daily habit.
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AKTUELL und GEFRAGT > Neue Medien
Yak 0 BART•/21 Englisch Yak 0
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