Windows 11 for dummies®


Simpson, Alan

  • Titel: Windows 11 for dummies® / Alan Simpson ; original edition by Andy Rathbone
  • Person(en): Simpson, Alan [Verfasser*in] ; Rathbone, Andy
  • Organisation(en): John Wiley and Sons [Verlag]
  • Ausgabe: 2nd edition
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Originalsprache: Englisch
  • Umfang: 416 Seiten ; 23 cm
  • Erschienen: Hoboken : for dummies®, A Wiley Brand, 2024
  • ISBN/Preis: 978-1-394-289-04-2 Broschur : EUR 24.50
  • Signatur: LERNEN und ARBEITEN > IT und Technik
  • Jmb 0 WIND SIMP•/21 Englisch Jmb 0
  • Achtung! Neue Medien können einen abweichenden Standort aufweisen. Bitte prüfen Sie den genauen Standort in der Verfügbarkeitsanzeige.

Inhalt: With millions of copies sold over 18 editions, "Windows For Dummies" is the all-time best selling tech reference-and theres a reason. "Windows 11 For Dummies", 2nd Edition brings you up to speed on the latest version of Windows, so you can make your PC operate the way you need it to with no guesswork. This straightforward and approachable resource helps you keep your PC or laptop humming, helping you do things like create user profiles, get connected to networks, find lost files, make your computer play nice with a printer, and fix the most common Windows hiccups. New Windows users and upgraders alike can swiftly get up and running with Windows 11, thanks to this wildly popular guide. Discover updated tips and tricks for the latest version of Windows operating systemGet jargon-free instructions on setting up your computer, keeping your data safe, and tailoring your Windows experience. Find the apps you need and avoid all the extras you dont needWalk through the most common features of Windows 11 Even if you have no prior experience with Windows, "Windows 11 For Dummies", 2nd Edition is your go-to guide for learning this popular operating system. Intermediate PC users will also find the insider info they need to keep their computers running smoothly and securely.