The last orphan


Hurwitz, Gregg Andrew

  • Titel: The last orphan / Gregg Hurwitz
  • Reihe: Orphan X series
  • Person(en): Hurwitz, Gregg Andrew [Verfasser*in]
  • Organisation(en): Penguin Books [Verlag]
  • Ausgabe: 1st edition
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Originalsprache: Englisch
  • Umfang: 444 Seiten ; 20 cm
  • Erschienen: London : Penguin Books, 2023
  • ISBN/Preis: 978-1-4059-4273-7 Broschur : EUR 11.50
  • Signatur: UNTERHALTUNG und KREATIVITÄT > Romane
  • Englisch HURW 8 Thriller
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Inhalt: This was not your average invitation to meet with the President. But then Orphan X is not your average guest. The last survivor of the off-the-books programme that raised and trained him, Evan Smoak was sent around the world to do his government's dirty work. Until he escaped. Now once again in need of his particular skill-set, the President tracks him down and offers him a deal: kill a man she deems too dangerous or be executed himself. Evan must decide whether to accept. He's spent years trying to atone for his former life. But if by taking on the mission he must betray the very principles he now lives by, what is left? One thing becomes clear to the President soon enough: no one should ever try to force Evan's hand. Because putting Orphan X in an impossible spot only makes him more dangerous …